Trading conditions
General information
Company name: Alma Høm
Address: Elmegade 27
CVR: 38680439
Phone: +45 28 34 02 09
We accept the following forms of payment:
- Dankort / VISA Dankort
- VISA / VISA Electron
- Mastercard/Maestro
All orders are sent as quick letters with Postnord 1-2 working days after ordering. You can therefore expect your jewelery to arrive 1-3 working days after ordering. If your order is to be given as a gift or something else, and if you are in doubt as to whether your package will arrive, you can always contact us. Should there be delays at postnord, Alma Høm cannot be held responsible, but we will do everything we can to help you track your package.
Reservations for out-of-stock items as well as price and printing errors
We only accept your purchase once we have accepted payment and dispatched the item to you. In this connection, we reserve the right for price errors, printing errors and out-of-stock items. We do our best, but sometimes mistakes happen. If an item you have ordered is unfortunately sold out, we will contact you immediately - and your payment will of course be cancelled.
Right of withdrawal and complaint
If you unexpectedly regret your purchase, you have 14 days right of return from the date you receive the jewellery. It must not have been used, and the jewelery must be in its original packaging. The buyer bears the costs of the return shipment. Returned goods are sent to the address below. When the return shipment is received and accepted, the money is transferred to the payment card used for the purchase.
Alma Høm
Henningsen's All 1
2900 Hellerup
When you shop at Alma Høm, you of course have 24 months' right to complain. Depending on the specific situation, you can basically have the jewelery repaired, exchanged, the money returned or the price reduced. It is of course a requirement that the complaint is justified and that the defect did not arise as a result of incorrect use of the product or other damage-causing behaviour. You must advertise within a "reasonable time" after you have discovered the lack of the item. If you complain within 4 weeks of receiving the item, the complaint will always be timely. If the complaint is justified, your (reasonable) shipping costs will be refunded.
Force Majeure
Alma Høm cannot be held responsible for non-fulfilment of an agreement entered into if the non-fulfillment is due to external circumstances, including measures or negligence by authorities, new or amended legislation, labor conflict, blockade, war, fire, flood, sabotage or accidents and the like. , and this circumstance or circumstances prevents, complicates or delays fulfillment.
Privacy policy
We do not resell or pass on your personal information to others. Your information is only used to ensure correct delivery of the package. If you wish to have your information deleted from our customer database, please contact us at
Om Alma Høm
Alma Høm er et smykkebrand, opstartet i 2016 i København. Alma Høm blev grundlagt med ønsket om at designe og skabe håndlavede smykker af høj kvalitet til mennesker i alle køn og aldre.
Som håndværker er jeg altid på opdagelse i nye materialer, teknikker og farvekombinationer. Derfor fremstiller jeg selv hvert et smykke med kærlighed og nysgerrighed. Dette særligt med inspiration i præcolumbiansk og mesoamerikansk håndværk. Mine smykker fremstilles med ædelstene, halvædelstene eller ferskvandsperler.
Jeg har et stærkt ønske om, gennem mine smykker, at viderebringe ældre kunsthåndværk i selskab med bæredygtige kvalitetsmaterialer. Jeg anvender så vidt muligt 95% biosølv i mine smykker, hvilket indebærer at det er gammelt sølv der renses og genanvendes i nye smykkedele. Dertil sælges alle smykker i en lille fin æske med FSC-mærket for ansvarligt skovbrug. Alle materialer købes indenfor EU og overholder derfor EU lovgivning i henhold til ordentlige arbejdsforhold og overholdelse af menneskerettigheder.